Criteria for Prioritizing Research Questions
Use this form to facilitate selection of a new team project. Using your top 3-5 clinical questions, rank each question from 1-3, with 3 being highest and 1 or zero being the lowest score. Then add or total the column scores to help identify which clinical question is most valuable to the majority of your team.
Check each box “yes” or “no” based on your project. If each of the boxes above are “yes” and NONE of the boxes is “no,” then your project is exempt from IRB review, according to the guidelines for the ethical conduct of human subjects research, as defined by the US Department of Health and Human Services (45 CFR part 46 HHS Regulations for the Protection of Human Subjects)
Use this worksheet to identify team members for each of the key roles and responsibilities on a project or study team. Add additional roles in the extra rows as you see fit, based on the needs of your clinical area.
Use these table templates to design your own study timeline! Remember to include regular meeting time for team communication and planning, in addition to critical milestones and goals for completion of each study phase.
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