Language of Data Study

Project By-line:  Language of Data Study

Introduction Paragraph: The adoption of critical appraisal skills required for Evidence-Base-Practice (EBP) has been slow and in many clinical settings unsuccessful. EBP requires that nurses examine the existing data and published research regarding a specific practice element and based on the weight of evidence adjust practice and care delivery processes to incorporate the evidence-based approach. However, a major barrier to EBP in real-world clinical settings is poor critical appraisal skills, or the inability of staff nurses to comprehensively read and interpret research findings.

Primary Aim: To improve the critical appraisal skills for statistical symbol recognition and interpretation.

Design: Multi-site cluster-randomized trial – 2×2 design


Metrics: knowledge, accuracy and confidence as measured by Quizlet gaming tools:

  • Confidence = number answered / total number of questions
  • Accuracy = number correct answer / number of questions answered
  • Knowledge = number correct answers / total number of questions

 Timeline: January 31, 2018 to December 31, 2018

Project Team Lead:  Bradi Granger ( and Cory Miller (